I really do not want to talk about Covid-19. As much as I agree that it is important to be informed about the latest development of this global health crisis, I also think we need to keep our body and mind health, and find ways to unwind a little.
With that in mind, I have listed a 6 unorthodox suggesting for you to cope with your quarantine in a health manner. Beware, this is not your regular list of Netflix movies, or video games to play at home. It is much better!
1 - Take a hike - Yes, that's right. I suggest you (and your family?) spend the weekend outdoors, in places without crowds or people gatherings. Find a safe trail that you enjoy, climb a mountain, go paddling, go fishing, enjoy the solitude for a moment, keep your body active; and most importantly, keep your mind out of your daily problems, at least for a while.
2 - Learn how trout behave and become a better angler - There is an excellent documentary on YouTube called "The Underwater World of Trout". Watch "Part 1", and let me know your thoughts! Then, go on and watch the rest. Learning about trout behavior will make you a better trout angler!
3 - Learn Fly Tying - If you are a fly angler or an enthusiast, and you do not yet know how to tie your flies (like me), this can be the perfect time and opportunity to learn a little about it. There are several videos available online; and I recommend you start with this article and the Orvis videos at the Orvis Fly Fishing Learning Center.
4 - Practice your Fly Casting - There is a bunch of videos online about it, I do recommend going to Fly Fishing International - Learning Center (members only, but well worth it). Now, only watching the videos will do you no good; take your rod to a (non-crowded) park, or to your backyard and practice. Some say 15-30 minutes per day can make miracles.
5 - Cook your food - With most restaurants closing temporarily, it is a great time for you to try out that regional, or ethnic recipe that you heard about. There is one, right here in one of my blogs (Moqueca Baiana) if you do not know where to start. Preparing your food will keep your head away from problems and will help you to be healthier person. Junk food is out of the question!
6 - Learn or improve musical skills - Finally, whether you are already a skilled musician or have never touched any musical instrument before, this is your great opportunity to learn or to improve your skills. There is a great number of online classes that you can take, or songs you can learn, or if you want to learn how to play in a band, contact your local "School of Rock"; they have temporarily launched an online program for all ages, to cope with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Choose your instrument (Guitar? Harmonica? Violin? Piano?) and be amazed!
I hope this list will help you unwind and be safe. I'd love to hear your comments.